woman touching face and posing for camera

Why does board certification matter?

Achieving board certification as a facial plastic surgeon requires three to five years of residency training as a general surgeon, followed by two to three years as a resident in facial plastic surgery. Following two years in practice, the surgeon must pass an extensive written and oral test. These plastic surgeons have skills and experience that make a difference in the beauty of the outcome.

How do you choose the best plastic surgeon?

To choose a plastic surgeon, review their years of experience and education, and read patient reviews. Ensure the surgeon is board-certified in the specialty of facial plastic surgery. This review will give you an idea of the quality of the surgeon. One less obvious aspect is the personality of the surgeon treating you. 

One factor that makes the surgical journey optimistic is the communication between surgeon and patient. Dr. Helen Moses is both talented and a truly warm, compassionate human being who understands that women are looking for a result that appears natural, not overdone – and she delivers. Along with her skills, she has exceptional training in the most advanced techniques and uses a precise approach.

Why are some surgeries so obvious?

When a plastic surgery procedure is performed with a less meticulous approach or older techniques, it can leave a look that others can identify as the result of surgery. For a facelift, older methods could leave the person looking like someone else – no one wants that. Ensure your surgeon uses next-generation surgical techniques. 

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What type of anesthesia will be needed?

Many plastic surgery procedures are performed under local anesthesia and intravenous sedation, while other, more extensive surgeries may require general anesthesia. This is determined by evaluating several factors, including the patient's overall health and the type of procedure. In many cases, general anesthesia is no longer needed.

How long will the results of a facelift last?

Many patients with a traditional facelift have been disappointed with the results. This is generally because the surgeon removed only the skin and fat rather than repositioning the underlying tissues. With modern techniques, the results last many years longer.

Am I safe to undergo plastic surgery?

You will be given complete physical and blood tests to determine if you can safely undergo plastic surgery. Dr. Moses will review any medications you take. If you must stop any (such as blood thinners) for a week or two before surgery, Dr. Moses will work with the prescribing physician to ensure this transition is safe. 

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Am I too old for facial plastic surgery?

You are likely a good candidate for facial plastic surgery if you are in good general health. The first step is to speak with Dr. Moses about what you hope to achieve. If, for any reason, you are not eligible for surgery, she offers an array of skin rejuvenation techniques and technologies that can help you look years younger with no surgery required.

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