Juvéderm in Columbia, SC

Juvéderm is a dermal filler designed to restore a youthful-looking fullness to your skin. Formulated using hyaluronic acid, Juvéderm adds volume beneath the skin and helps you achieve a hydrated, glowing complexion. 

woman in a white blazer and jeans posing for a picture

Your private consultation with Dr. Moses

If you are interested in Juvéderm or other dermal fillers, Dr. Moses will formulate a treatment plan customized to help you achieve the best possible results. A board-certified, fellowship-trained plastic surgeon, Dr. Moses performs all her surgical and non-surgical procedures.

Your Juvéderm appointment

Juvéderm is a minimally invasive procedure that is quick, effective, and long-lasting. An appointment typically takes less than 15 minutes, after which you can return to work or your daily activities. 

Will it hurt?

Juvéderm is formulated with Lidocaine, which offers localized pain relief. The smooth gel is injected using a very fine needle, so discomfort should be minimal.

Treatment areas

Juvéderm is a versatile filler that can plump up and add volume to various features. Common treatment areas include:

  • The lips
  • Wrinkles around the mouth
  • Nasolabial folds (the lines that run from your nose down to the sides of your mouth)
  • Marionette lines (the lines from your mouth down to your chin)
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There is no downtime after a Juvéderm appointment, but you may experience some:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Mild bruising

An ice pack can be beneficial in reducing these effects. 

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The first 24 hours

Keep your head elevated and avoid alcohol, sun exposure, and strenuous exercise. You will most likely still have some swelling at this point. 

The first week

Any bruising and swelling should resolve on their own within the first week. 

Your results

Juvéderm results are immediate and will continue to improve as any swelling subsides. Juvéderm encourages your skin to produce more collagen, further lifting and volumizing your skin. This process takes about a month. 

Long-lasting results

The results of Juvéderm are visible immediately and last for a long time. Depending on which Juvéderm formulation is used, your results may last up to two years.

Juvéderm Voluma 

Juvéderm Voluma XC is a unique formulation designed to add volume to the cheek area. With age, losing volume in the face is customary, resulting in flatter cheeks and loose skin. The results of Voluma are exceptionally durable, lasting up to two years. 

Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC

Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC is designed to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth. It is also used to add volume to the lips.

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Improve your results

Dr. Moses will give you detailed instructions to ensure the best possible results. A good skincare routine will improve your results and extend their durability. Protecting your skin from the sun and staying hydrated will also go a long way in keeping your skin looking its best.

Everyone will notice, but no one will know

Dr. Moses is passionate about helping you look your best while still looking like you. She goes above and beyond to give you subtle, natural-looking results that everyone will notice without being able to tell that you have had any fillers. 

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Personalized service and care

At Palmetto Facial Plastics, we care for you every step of the way. Our team is here to help you, and we do our best to accommodate your wishes and schedule. We always prioritize a high level of personal communication at our practice, no matter what minimally invasive treatment is explored, including:

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Juvéderm Reviews

K Karen L.

Dr. Moses and her staff are so kind! She really takes the time to sit down and talk through what you want done multiple times so you both are on the same page. I got my deviated septum fixed with some cosmetic fixes to my nose, and I couldn’t be happier with the process. She is truly the best!

Karen L.
T Tarry B.

She is the absolute best! Keeps everything real with great insight on skincare. She is also an extremely nice and genuine person! Highly recommend.

Tarry B.
M Michelle G.

I have had surgical and cosmetic procedures done by Dr. Moses and she is a trusted practitioner. She is knowledgeable, thorough, and dedicated to great results. I feel like I am being treated by my friend. Highly recommend!

Michelle G.
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