What to expect

Your private consultation with Dr. Moses

Sculptra injections are a unique product that triggers natural collagen and elastin production rather than adding volume with a hyaluronic gel. The result is a beautiful, natural level of skin rejuvenation from within. Dr. Moses will discuss your aesthetic goals during your initial private consultation to develop the best treatment plan for you, which may include Sculptra. 

When you arrive for your appointment

You will be awake during your Sculptra appointment. However, before the procedure begins, a topical anesthetic is applied to numb the area where you will receive injections to reduce discomfort.

Your Sculptra procedure

Sculptra is a dermal filler injected beneath the skin with a thin needle. The procedure is relatively painless and only requires about 20 to 30 minutes.  After the procedure is finished, you can return to your usual activities. However, you should avoid strenuous activities for a few days.

Recovering after Sculptra injections

After your Sculptra treatment, you may experience the following:

  • Tenderness
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Pinprick marks

However, they typically dissipate after a few days.

blond woman with long, straight hair and blue eyes posing for a picture

24 hours after treatment:

You should avoid wearing makeup for 24 hours after your Sculptra injections. You should also avoid the following:

  • Engaging in strenuous activities
  • Excessive exposure to extreme temperatures
  • Alcoholic beverages

Applying an ice pack to the treated areas can help minimize swelling.

The first week after treatment:

For the first week after your treatment, massage the treated areas 5 minutes 5 times daily.

Sculptra aftercare

After your Sculptra injections, you will not have any significant downtime, as this is a minimally invasive procedure. In addition to massaging your face and using an ice pack for any associated swelling, you should also avoid facials for two weeks after you receive your injections. It is also essential to schedule a follow-up appointment with Dr. Moses to asses your results as well as any ongoing needs. Sculptra is also a low-maintenance treatment. With just 2 to 3 sessions, you can enjoy results lasting from 2 to 8 years.

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Sculptra is a dermal filler that smooths out folds, fine lines, and wrinkles, rejuvenating facial skin through natural regeneration, leaving it firmer, smoother, and more supple – it is pure beauty. Results become visible almost immediately after your injections and gradually begin to level out. Sculptra’s full results typically appear within 2 to 3 months once your body produces new collagen. 

Sculptra vs. other treatments

Sculptra is a unique treatment that stimulates collagen in your skin, producing beautiful, natural-looking results that appear gradually. Other fillers, such as Juvéderm, use hyaluronic acid as their primary ingredient, creating immediate results that typically do not last as long.

Using Sculptra in combination with other treatments

Sculptra injections can be an effective anti-wrinkle treatment, or Dr. Moses can combine them with other injectables, such as Botox or Restylane. Together, they can revitalize your skin while preserving your inherent beauty. 

Let us care for you throughout every step of your journey

Dr. Helen Moses is committed to helping her patients look and feel their best. She believes in providing the highest personalized service and supporting her patients as they pursue their aesthetic goals. When you visit Palmetto Facial Plastics in Columbia, SC, you will receive the attention you deserve from a team dedicated to your satisfaction. We want you to have the most positive experience while doing any of our treatments in our care, including:

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Dr. Helen Moses at Palmetto Facial Plastics Reviews

L Leah B.

Dr. Moses and her staff are so kind! She really takes the time to sit down and talk through what you want done multiple times so you both are on the same page. I got my deviated septum fixed with some cosmetic fixes to my nose and I couldn't be happier with the process. She is truly the best!

Leah B.
M Milton M.

Helen Moses is, by far, the most wonderful, caring doctor. She is very sensitive to each patient’s concerns and works hard to ensure that all of her work is for enhancement or betterment. She would never overdo any cosmetic procedure. She helps her patients look their best.

Milton M.
D Danni F.

Dr. Moses is a wonderful physician! Very thorough and great bedside manner. Extremely knowledgeable of the different treatment options and does a fantastic job of assisting her patients with the best option for their situation. Could not recommend her enough!!

Danni F.
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