Do you have dark circles under your eyes?

Loss of volume under the eyes is a normal part of the natural aging process. However, this causes hollows under the eyes and dark circles, which can detract from the natural beauty of your eyes. E.Y.E. adds volume beneath the eyes, resulting in smoother and younger-looking skin. 

woman with her hand to her chin and no shirt posing for a picture

Dermal fillers or BOTOX?

Dermal fillers and neuromodulators such as BOTOX can both be used to enhance the appearance of the eyes. They work in different ways:

  • Dermal fillers add volume and hydration beneath the skin
  • Neuromodulators prevent repeated muscle contraction

E.Y.E. is a special procedure that uses both, giving you the benefits of both dermal fillers and neuromodulators simultaneously. 

Your private consultation with Dr. Moses

During your initial consultation with Dr. Moses, she will examine your face and ask questions about your aesthetic goals. Dr. Moses will create a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your goals. 

Enhance Your Eyes appointment and recovery

E.Y.E. is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure performed at the Palmetto Facial Plastics clinic. Dr. Moses will inform you how to prepare for your treatment, including avoiding alcohol 24 hours before your appointment and taking aspirin one week before.  First, Dr. Moses will apply a topical numbing cream.

Once this has taken effect, she will inject the filler and neuromodulator into specific parts of the undereye area using a very fine needle. This typically takes between 30 and 45 minutes.  You can leave our clinic after your treatment and resume your daily activities immediately. While you may notice some redness or swelling around your eyes, this should resolve independently. 

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Your results: temporary but long-lasting

Dermal filler produces immediately visible results, while the neuromodulator takes a little longer to take effect. Your final results should be visible within two weeks. The results of E.Y.E. will slowly fade as your body metabolizes the filler, and the effects of neuromodulators wear off in time. However, you can expect your results to last six to twelve months (sometimes up to 18 months). Dr. Moses will let you know if you should come for a touch-up to make your results last longer. 

A safe and effective procedure

While fillers and neuromodulators are widely available, they are medical procedures a trained professional must administer. A board-certified, fellowship-trained plastic surgeon, Dr. Moses performs all her non-surgical treatments herself, so you can rest assured that you are in safe and competent hands. 

The best of both worlds

Fillers and neuromodulators are commonly used to treat the tear trough area. However, most practitioners use one or the other, depending on your unique circumstances. With E.Y.E., you get all the benefits of both fillers and neuromodulators. 

Look and feel your best at any age

At Palmetto Facial Plastics, we are known for our natural-looking results that always look balanced. Dr. Moses is a highly skilled practitioner who specializes in rejuvenating procedures for women. As an experienced facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Moses understands facial anatomy and knows how to achieve subtle, beautiful results that never appear overdone. Everyone should notice, but no one will know. 

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Exceptional attention to detail

The foundation of our practice is a high level of personal communication. Dr. Moses and her team are committed to providing you with the highest service and care. For example, we are always willing to accommodate your schedule and squeeze you in at the last minute when needed. Schedule with someone soon for any of our minimally invasive treatments below:

E.Y.E. Reviews

Perfection and professionalism all the way!

Helen Moses is the most wonderful, caring doctor. She is very sensitive to each patient’s concerns and works hard to ensure that all of her work is for enhancement or betterment. Her office staff is caring, prompt, and efficient. I can’t recommend Palmetto Facial Plastics enough.

Dr. Moses is the best! I’m so happy to have a female plastic surgeon in Columbia!

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