From the instant we schedule your private consultation, through the time we spend with you, and upon the conclusion of each visit, our goal is to put you at ease, address your concerns, and arrive at a thorough, customized, intentional plan to achieve your facial rejuvenation goals.  

Dr. Helen Moses in pink shirt sitting at a table looking at woman

Welcome to Palmetto Facial Plastics: Your first meeting

When you enter our comfortable, stylish office, our friendly front desk staff will check you in and finalize any paperwork in advance of meeting with the other members of our team. You will then be taken to a private, comfortable consultation space, where you will meet with our Patient Care Coordinator to discuss your interests, desires, and concerns, and review your medical history.

Your meeting with Dr. Helen Moses 

You will then meet Dr. Moses. Your discussion will be thorough, fun, and completely focused on you. You have unique concerns, hopes and dreams, along with questions about facial rejuvenation, all of which will be answered thoroughly, honestly, and openly. The discussion covers the details of what you like, dislike, and will be focused on understanding your aesthetic and taste. For the most beautiful, natural outcome, understanding your lifestyle is important. Are you a runner? Do you spend time in the sun? Have you had other procedures or treatments?

Dr. Moses will thoroughly evaluate your medical history to understand your overall health. She will then hand you a mirror and ask your opinion about the facial areas you would like improved, the areas you would like restored, and what you feel should be refreshed. She will then perform a physical exam of your face, neck, and skin to get an idea of how your face moves, the health and condition of your facial skin, your face shape, and each of your beautiful features.

Your facial rejuvenation plan

You and Dr. Moses will then put your heads together to come up with the best plan – one that most effectively and most naturally addresses your concerns. Dr. Moses will provide suggestions and guidance about how to get you exactly where you want to be. She will discuss all of your options for treating specific concerns, with the advantages and disadvantages of each procedure, and guide you regarding the best options to achieve your vision for your facial look. The goal is to create enhancements that “Everyone will notice, but no one will know.” 

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No-rush, warm, thorough consultations

When scheduling consultations, we set aside plenty of time for each patient so that any and all questions can be answered, and a plan created that matches your wishes, desires, and dreams. 

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Surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation

Dr. Moses stays at the leading edge in aesthetics and offers her patients both surgical and non-surgical treatments for facial rejuvenation. Your journey to a refreshed, youthful facial appearance will be 100 percent customized for your unique concerns. Plastic surgery is an art, and Dr. Moses is among the most talented practitioners in the area and has a woman’s perspective that her patients appreciate – a doctor listens, understands, and acts as a partner in the journey to facial rejuvenation.

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