About Dermal Fillers

Facial soft tissue fillers are the fastest-growing aspect of cosmetic medicine. Dermal fillers are used to address wrinkles and lines that have developed around the nose, mouth, and eyes. These fillers are also able to restore volume that has been lost in the cheek, temples, lips, jawline, and under-eye area.

Can you combine BOTOX with dermal fillers?

Yes, BOTOX can be combined with dermal fillers in a treatment approach known as a "liquid facelift" or "combination therapy."

By combining BOTOX and dermal fillers, a skilled practitioner such as Dr. Moses can address multiple signs of aging in one treatment session. Botox can smooth out lines caused by muscle movement, while dermal fillers can add volume and fill deeper lines and hollow areas. The result is a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation that can provide a youthful and harmonious appearance.

What are the purposes of BOTOX and Dermal Fillers?

Botox and dermal fillers serve different purposes:

  1. BOTOX (Botulinum Toxin): BOTOX is a neurotoxin that temporarily relaxes the muscles responsible for wrinkles and fine lines, typically used for dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle movements, like crow's feet and frown lines.
  2. Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers are injectable substances used to add volume, fill in wrinkles and folds, and restore lost facial volume. They are often used for static wrinkles and to enhance features like lips and cheeks.

Facial Rejuvenation with Injectables at Palmetto Facial Plastics

close up of a blond woman with Dr. Helen Moses in a black blazer
smiling woman with long brown hair and white tank top

Where Fillers Are Effective

A specialty area for filler injection is the under-eye area, where volume lost in this area can be restored through the use of hyaluronic acid fillers. As we age, the fat descends under the eye as ligaments weaken, leading to hollowing or puffiness as a shadow develops. Dermal filler offers support to the under eyelid area restoring youthfulness and improving the hollow, tired appearance of dark circles and crepey lower eyelid skin. This helps to rejuvenate the entirety of the eye area and leaves a lasting youthful, rested look.

Filler Options

Dr. Moses is pleased to offer a wide variety of dermal fillers, each with the unique niche within facial contouring and restoration of a natural, refreshed look. Here at Palmetto Facial Plastics we offer the entirety of the Restylane and Juvederm lines, including Restylane-L, Restylane Refyne & Defyne, Restylane Lyft and Juvederm Voluma, Juvederm Ultra Plus XC to name a few.

Patient Before & immediately After 0.6cc of Restylane-L to the tear trough for under eye volumization

Patient Before & immediately After 0.6cc of Restylane-L to the tear trough for under eye volumization. Personal property of Dr. Moses. Consent obtained prior to use. Not for reuse. 

Treated with 1cc of Voluma to the cheeks 0.8cc of Juvederm Ultra Plus XC to the lips

Treated with 1cc of Voluma to the cheeks, 0.8cc of Juvederm Ultra Plus XC to the lips. 

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Treated with 3cc of Voluma to the cheeks. Photos taken 1 month after treatment

Treated with 3cc of Voluma to the cheeks. Photos taken 1 month after treatment. 

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