About mini lift surgery

The Mini Facelift is a decreased downtime alternative to the traditional facelift. With only minimal downtime needed, this facelift technique is an alternative for those who are not quite ready for a full facelift or individuals who are unable to afford much time away from their busy schedules yet still desire a refreshed, rejuvenated appearance. The Mini Lift surgically addresses the hallmarks of aging in the lower face and neck, similar to the benefits of a full facelift, with less downtime, less bruising, and less swelling. The best-suited candidates are often between the ages of 40 and 65 with early signs of aging or those simply with less time available away from their busy schedules.

there is a woman that is sitting on a couch with her arm on the arm rest

What to expect: the mini-lift procedure

By incorporating the same techniques as the “standard” or “traditional” full facelifts, Dr. Moses is able to lift and reposition the actual muscle layer (SMAS, or superficial aponeurotic system), resulting in increased longevity but with decreased downtime. As an alternative to a more traditional, full facelift, the mini facelift utilizes minimal incisions hidden in the hairline and camouflaged in creases around the ear and just inside the ear itself. Patients are even able to still wear any hairstyle or updo as desired – not having to worry about pesky incisions showing. With smaller and fewer incisions, issues such as bruising and swelling are minimized with anticipated downtime of as little as three to five days.

Your private consultation with Dr. Moses

For those with mid to lower facial aging, such as sagging skin and wrinkles, a mini lift could be the best approach for a refreshed, youthful facial look. To discuss this procedure, meet with Dr. Helen Moses in a private consultation. She will discuss your expectations and overall health to craft a custom skin rejuvenation treatment plan. You can also ask any questions regarding this procedure and what it entails.

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Your surgical appointment

Although the mini lift has less downtime than the traditional facelift, it is still an invasive procedure. This means your treatment will involve general or local anesthesia administration.

Recovery after a mini lift

After the mini-lift procedure, you will receive dressings for your stitches and, in some cases, drains. Most patients experience swelling, pain, and bruising after the surgery, but this should lessen after several days.

10 days after surgery:

Your stitches can be removed. After Dr. Moses removes your stitches, you may see some swelling and bruising. 

1 to 2 weeks after surgery:

You can likely resume your work schedule, and you may also choose to wear makeup.

2 to 4 weeks after surgery:

Your body will complete most of your healing within this time, so following Dr. Moses’s instructions and avoiding strenuous activities is crucial. You should also:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Wear sunscreen
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Avoid drinking alcohol

3 months after surgery:

Although you can begin seeing the results of your mini lift soon after the procedure, the final results can take up to three months since the healing process takes time.

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Follow-up care

Attending follow-up appointments is vital so Dr. Moses can monitor the healing process. You should also follow her at-home care instructions, including:

  • Getting plenty of rest
  • Keeping your head elevated
  • Refraining from strenuous activities

Although healing can potentially take several months, most of your discomfort and pain will fade within the first week after your surgery. It is essential to continue living a healthy lifestyle even after you are fully healed to preserve and maintain the results of this procedure.

white couch with a gold frame table and a picture on it


The mini lift is designed to reverse the signs of aging by tightening sagging skin. Dr. Moses carefully pulls the skin tissues upward for a more youthful look that does not appear overdone so patients still look and feel like themselves.

Unlike the full facelift, it uses smaller incisions. For those more prone to scarring, the mini lift could be a more effective path toward achieving their goals. Everyone will notice, but no one will ever suspect you had work done.

Mid facelift

The mid-facelift targets the cheeks, often where the earliest signs of aging become most apparent. A mid-facelift can address sunken areas near the cheeks and eyes for a more youthful look. Incisions are typically just two small incisions:

  • Near the hairline of the mid-face

Full facelift

Incisions are made:

  • In front of the ears
  • Above the hairline
  • Along the scalp

Dr. Moses accesses muscle, tissue, and skin through these incisions so the patient’s face can be contoured and tightened.

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Mini lift vs. face rejuvenation treatments

Mini lifts can be combined with many other treatments that contribute to a fresher, younger appearance. Some of these procedures and treatments include:

You can discuss these and any other treatments you want to combine with your mini lift with Dr. Moses during your initial consultation. 

Palmetto Facial Plastics in Columbia, SC, is committed to your satisfaction

Facial Plastic Surgery practice specializing in cosmetic surgical and non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures.

It is a private, luxurious aesthetic practice where patients appreciate the exquisite attention to detail from the patient experience to surgical results. 

Dr. Moses performs the mini lift procedure at the Prisma Parkridge Surgery Center or CIPI as an outpatient procedure. Here at Palmetto Facial Plastics, our patients are treated by fully trained and accredited staff members who consistently maintain the highest standards of safety and comfort. Contact our office to schedule your private consultation with Dr. Moses today and learn more about our many services.

"Everyone will notice, but no one will know…"

The very natural results achieved by Dr. Moses are a combination of being a woman plastic surgeon, being surrounded by women, and attention to detail. These results are also achieved by acknowledging that there is no room for error – every procedure must be performed with the best techniques to achieve the most natural-looking outcome. Imagine looking years younger, but like yourself! It is pure beauty.

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Dr. Helen Moses – Reviews

A Aurora G.

"Dr. Moses is a wonderful physician! Very thorough and great bedside manner. Extremely knowledgeable of the different treatment options and does a fantastic job of assisting her patients with the best option for their situation. Could not recommend her enough!!"

Aurora G.
H Hellen W.

"Helen Moses is, by far, the most wonderful, caring doctor. She is very sensitive to each patient's concerns and works hard to ensure that all of her work is for enhancement or betterment. She would never overdo any cosmetic procedure. She helps her patients look their best. She helped me with a chin flaw and worked hard to make it right. No one else was willing to offer me any resolution. I am completely happy. Her office staff is caring, prompt, and efficient. Cannot recommend Palmetto Facial Plastics highly enough. If I ever decide to have any work done, Dr. Moses is my choice."

Hellen W.
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